Sunday 19 February 2012

Confessions of a bad detective....

i was wrong about the fact that quantum uncertainties aren't just possibilities but its the indistinctness within the system.... i know i should have been more careful and insightful but i really can't help it now... i have been thinking like this for a very long time say around the 8th chapter of Feynman lectures and now i am down to the 10th chapter and while understanding the idea of tunelling i have figured i had made a mistake while concluding the idea... 
It really does feel bad.. i mean i really thought i was getting close to something........:-/

 But i am still hopeful... i didn't quite do the whole thing wrong... i just didn't end the whole analysis with creating an abstract picture that generalizes the outcomes of the Stern - Gerlach experiment... 
the conclusion that when one particular character get distinct then the other characters get lost within indistinctness is not wrong... its true and its supported by the mathematics in the book.... but it still doesn't quite give a 'complete' interpretation for the uncertainty principle.... the indistinctness will develop and the probabilities will interfere but the indistinctness itself isn't the uncertainty that we analyze.. the uncertainty is the net deviation in the distribution n indistinctness decides whether the probabilities will interfere n what sort of distributions will arise.... they are connected but not the same....
the conclusion was incomplete... it should have been that
"in order to understand the quantum uncertainties of a certain character we should first recognize that it will have got to develop indistinctness...."

So it all comes down to this... all those attempts of understanding the indistinctness in the characters in real space and time weren't totally useless... but the uncertainty principle requires much more to completely realize what it really says and why it says the things that it says... may be that was just a tiny lil step forward...:-/

And now since the ideas of indistinctness has gotten weak, i couldn't think much in the line of superimposing the waves  and tracking down the periodicity coz i felt that since distinctness is a binary term i ll be able to understand distorted indistinctness in terms of periodicity... but this whole part of superimposing the waves and tracking down the particle by understanding the time varying probabilities has completely turned out to be a failure.... fuck...

Apart from that i really don't think the whole thing for the last two three days have been a complete failure... i have been able to generalize mam's explanation of tunelling by uncertainty principle to a wider perspective... i applied it to the electron diffraction experiment in the position-momentum structure rather than her time-energy structure in step potential.... and the results were beautiful....
Now i know that in a single picture even when you work with different uncertainty distributions the physical realities will always converge... that was a nice clue to may be something much deeper out there....
yeah, that was a pretty nice discovery even though i don't understand completely what significance it really holds!!:P

finally i have got to say that it does feel bad when a wrong idea is taken forward... i mean i really really thought i was closing in to something but it all just went off from the track but then again i wasn't completely wrong...  and some of the important ideas are still right that's why....
i guess thats what physics is all about.. you learn from your mistakes and you develop within... but whateva it is.. it really does get depressing at times... i can still feel the anti-depressants inside my head... feels like someone has sprayed mint all over my brain!!....: )

and for the time being i guess i should just stop being a detective and become a student again... so by this time when i am figuring out these two three pages of Feynman lectures on a simple two state system of H2+ ion (feynamn is a true magician... i mean he generalizes a few ideas within this example and finally shows how interactions like strong or electromagnetic can be explained on the same line... wow!!pure genius;-) ), 
so where was i??... oh yeah till i figure this whole thing out completely i ll stop reading further of Feynman's lectures and concentrate on the courses... i have got to be more strong in maths.. n yup, that ll only happen when i ll actually start doing it!!:P... 
and yeah whateva goes i have got to drag my ass to 8.3 pointers this sem if i have to keep the hope of foreign exchange alive.... fuck man, why the hell is this world so freaking tough!!...

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