Sunday 19 May 2013

Through their blind eyes..

Distorted identities could never have been more profound
Dislocated realities is still where he kept himself to be found
Did he want to be found or did they dig him out?
We would never know..
Eyes looking back and eyes looking away
Blindness is all that the heartless eyes had to say
Judging him wasnt any right earned by the minds so shallow
Alienation, agglomeration is all that, that could possibly follow

Heartless souls and the soulless world had to keep up 
had to keep up with his unwanted existance
Little did they know that even he didnt want to stay up
Stay up and take the worthless world anymore
But then Giving up wasnt really in his hands anymore
The good old dug out grave could see the fire at his core...

So he did rise from his grave and he did flush his past off
A good old styled middle finger and a nice old 'fuck off'

Through their blind eyes this time they saw a new person
someone they shamelessly called 'self obsessed'
an obnoxious unsocial being about to worsen..
Well, they could see all that they wanted and say all that they wanted
But never did he ever look back, a Lone Ranger enchanted...... . .


'your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable...'
 - Cr7

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