Thursday 8 August 2013

11 thoughts in Dark Humour

1. I always thought that life would open up after iit. It did, n it chewed too.... now i am just waiting when it would go for a dump n flush me out....

2. Every wednesday our mess serves chicken. If the piece is bigger than 2 inches you get 1! If its less than that you get 2.. Its more of a way of showing that chicken is still not extinct actually..

3. I dreamed of becoming a physicist. N then i look at my electrodynamics prof. and realize that any dream no matter how big, can go horribly wrong n still come true!

4. I was sitting at the wind tunnel a couple of days back n i saw this girl i was about to hit on. But i didnt coz i found out she aint single. Its wrong you know.. Its like i am trying to walk into society n it looks at my Y chromosomes... n then says, 'Sorry sir, those aren't allowed!'

5. There are two types of people who have eaten up our society. People with money and people with religion. N then there are two types of people who have been eaten up- people who lived for money and people who craved for religion...

Frankly, everywhere i go i get to see a lot of eaten up digested zombies dancing around and going.... gaaaaaa.... n i am like 'oh yeah, sure, thats exotic, now fuck off!'

6. At times, oh well actually lotsa times, people tell me that smoking kills and i would die and shit this, shit that n bla bla bla.... 

n i think, ' Okay, so i would die and he would live... well, if god really had to make so many immortals, we sure could use a lil less talkative ones! '

7. At times people tell me unemployment stories and what i would do with a physics degree... 

i just tell them that i would go back home, build a massage parlor, give random massages to fat-arse aunties while telling them physics stories of fast electrons and bending time!

8. So she was really drunk and beautiful that night so i gave her a lift home, kissed her and returned back to iit. I guess that was the 2nd time i said no to alcohol flavored sex(1st time on iit roof)... 

I still feel both the girls no matter where they are now and all my sperm cells in my sperm city must be laughing at me.. saying, 'Aaaah, that helpful worthless clown!'
I dont blame them, i think the same. But i dont regret it though... oh well, may be a lil bit. 

9. As a high-school kid iit was all about going abroad at the end of 2nd yr, 3rd yr and then going away n never coming back at the end of the 4th. This summer i left my foreign intern just to work in IIT Delhi to work under a theoretical physicist who has come from IITk. Honestly, all that i come to know now is that dreams dont commute

Guess Hisenberg just left that for us to figure out on our own....

10. So i had this friend in my room that day n i was like... dude what is the 1st thing you see in a girl? he kept on going from eyes to face to waist to personality n all... i guess the clusters came in at 8th n 9th. 

N then i was like... 'guys are going gay, n its worse coz this time gays are equipped well for producing more gays!!' I still doubt it though ;-)

11. I had a friend during the summers and we were working under the same prof, different projects though. Being physics interns working in hardcore theory we were proud people. And at times in reading room, he would see photos in fb of engineers in gown, graduating and he would be like..

'look, one more useless engineer enters the world'
me- ' yeah kinda amazing how happy they become... to become nothing at all!'
n then we laughed..
I am pretty sure some engineer right now is looking at it from the other side of the screen n saying...
'look, one more unemployed worthless physicist is about to crowd the over-crowded world' n having a laugh with his other engineer friend at the same time.
I dont mind. Nature is relative n so are you n I. ;-)

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