Sunday 26 June 2011

The sound of rain.... . .

hi, i am shyam... i m 9 years old... n ll be turning 10 in two months.... so i m not that little as they think i m... i live in a village called manaspara... ours is a small village... n we live in the otherside of the great big field.. in a small house... with my mom.. my dad.. n my lil sister...

i am writing this to the world out there... i know there is... doesnt matter even if they all never care to listen to me... but i know you guys are there somewhere... somewhere on the otherside of the great big field... n even though i have told mom about you all... about the two big white wings... n the open long hair... but she never believes.... no one does....

life over here isnt that nice as what you all have over there... sometimes we even end up with no meals the whole day.... dad goes to work in the fields  really early in the morning... much before the big bright sun rises in the sky from behind the fields... mom leaves us at school n goes to the town for work... but they say its still not enough... even the walls of the other room fell in the last wasnt this bad before... but after the bad bad merchants took most of our fields... we are left with very less now...

its raining outside now.... n i really like the sound of rain... you know why??.... coz every time the heavy rain hits the tin roof... the sound is so beautiful... but the best part is this that i get to have a silence... a silence from mom crying before my helpless dad in the other room... n my lil sister crying out of hunger... everytime it rains i dont get to listen to any of these... it feels as if its not there at all... it feels as if we are left alone n free n safe now... i love the sound of rain... i wish it could rain all the time....

the reason why i am writing this letter is that i want you guys to come and take us away.... away from this place... away from all the sadness... i dont want to stay hungry anymore...  i will be waiting for you... come soon

with love

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