Saturday 24 September 2011

Beautiful, captivating... n yeah a lil bit uncertain...... . .

+1, +2 days were awesome and i think the most beautiful part of those days were the physics tutions... and i still remember how i used to listen to the lectures... pretty much like a little boy listening with a pair of open eyes to his grandma reading him stories of angels and kings of an unknown world...

but frankly speaking.... physics tutions werent just beautiful because of the passion i had for physics... and i guess the  reason they used to get a whole lot more interesting was because of this pretty girl sitting just in front of me in all my physics tutions.... she was beautiful... smart.. not any 36-24-36 H-bomb though... but yeah, she had a beautiful smile ...and this piece is being written on one of those physics classes that i had back in those days...

it was about 8 at night... modern physics was going on... one of my favs... and as usual sir went out to get his evening 'pan' promising us that ounce he returns we were going to see what was known as  'hisenberg's uncertainity principle'....
and yeah i was really excited... almost got loose of a nice mechanics problem i was working on... and just as he walked out... 'she' walked in.. with a long skirt... and a nice top.. and yeah, guess what?? she was looking pretty good... unlike always of course...  and by the time she sat next to me... hisenberg along with  his stupid principle got lost in some lost world i neva cared.. n with him that idiot also took my mechanics problem.. but who cares.. i had a whole new.. nice.. slightly complicated... but a really good looking problem coming my way.... n i was no way going to get busy with some fat bald hisenberg n his principle......

ounce she settled in,  in the bench right beside me... i realised i was staring at a girl just like another idiot with no other real work to do... not that there was no one else after her... and i guess i neva really wanted to fit in any line n all...  by the time sir walked in n started his lecture... i tried hard to concentrate... but nature has its own ways of breaking any monotony... and over here it was me getting distracted by her... n with time i realised that sir was half way done n the idiot was still staring at her like 'the boy' with a pair of open eyes with all the 'wrong' reasons....

but i guess he couldnt help it... after all when she used to start writing up her notes with a bunch of hair falling around her cheek... with a faint smile( guess she knew i was still staring...) yeah those were few moments i would love to get trapped in... for my entire life.... but then i realised i already got behind by a lot... i really wanted to take the notes from her but i never really wanted to disturb the view... i kept thinking for a while and realised its not really possible... i have got to distort the view a bit to get what i want... and thats it... i again got busy with hisenberg n his principle.....

while going back home in our car i kept thinking about his principle... didnt really make much sense... why is he saying that position n momentum... energy n time... all these pairs in any system can never be calculated precisely??... why do they keep deriving a probabilistic picture??... what might be the basic physical realisation??... confused n thrilled i kept looking out into the open night sky through my window n wondered how wierd n beautiful n mesmerising this world is....

we reached home n climbed the stairs... and before i reached our flat... something really beautiful just sparked within my mind n i asked myself... can i know whether mom is inside??... by not doing anything n not disturbing the present picture... it was much of my own thought experiment... about 2 minutes or so i just stood there before my door n i kept thinking... believe it or not i had my heart beating at a faster rate... i realised a door of a very new world (the one of quantum mechanics) is just about to open for me... after sometime i realised it cant be done... it just cant be done... i have got to distort the picture a bit... i pressed the calling bell... mom ran in n opened the door... the conclusion was weird n yet beautiful... wow..

thats why Hisenberg said like that... thats what he said.. didnt he??.. i just solved the whole fucking riddle... WOW order to know about this natural world... we need to distort it a bit... we need to disturb it n analyses the way the world behaves in response to that specific disturbance... that is the only way we can measure or perceive things... but in the process we dont realise that the view we get is just a disturbed view of this world... thats why its never possible to predict the exact natural parameters in any system with total accuracy... thats how the uncertainties are creeping in....

i took my dinner n said good night to my parents... but all along i felt Hisenberg whispering his ideas into my mind... or may be it was just that lil boy hidden somewhere within me....
as i switched off the lights in my room... and stood beside the window... i felt a cool breeze blowing in... n somehow it felt as if it just went touching my  heart deep within... i kept staring at the beautiful crescent moon in the dark night sky.. n kept thinking of one of the most beautiful lessons of my life that i had learned that night... that this world is beautiful, captivating, mesmerizing n yeah.. a lil bit 'uncertain'..

... . .

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