Saturday 24 September 2011

The boy who got 3 outta 10...

kind of weird... isnt it??.. you wake up in the morning n walk to the basin for brushing your teeth... n just when u r going to look at the mirror... mom calls out.. 'hi, iitian'[with all the evil leg pulling expressions at her face.....] n then you turn around with a smile n say 'huh... ' like u dont care or something but just then you look into the mirror again n try to find the iitian out of yourself....

yeah thats how my morning was today... n guess what??.... staring at the mirror with all those poses didnt really come of any help... just showed my yellow teeth which i felt required some brushing n of course the fact that my moms deep affection had driven my size zero to all the double-tripple digits possible.... god!! n they still say home food is great....
then i sat for the breakfast n.........[ !!lets just skip the boring parts.. it seems the guys beyond this lcd screen are all getting kind of sleepy.... but that is alright i guess... i am just a 5-notes-writer u see..:-P..] so here i was with the glass of cold coffee in my hand standing beside our long window n enjoying the morning breeze... n trying to turn around all those pages of my life that has somehow someway driven me into this so called hyped tag of an 'iitian'.....

u see guys even though they call me an iitian... but guess what.. i dont really have a past or the pattern that every iitian must have left behind him.... n if someone goes back to my schools and tells the teachers that.. that last bencher useless worthless mad fellow has made it into one of the best 5 iits n that too with engineering physics... i am pretty sure that it will hit them like some guy has beaten a bloody drum on their black bald heads n their slimy tounges will surely drop out.... "WHAT?!! HOW? WHEN? no way......."

acads were always quite below average.... i still remember how my mom cried after i failed in bengali in my 3rd standard in the mid-term... mom always wanted to see great marks... n good positions in the class.. but i always used to end up somewhere below the list... n i still remember how the guys left out my name when all the rkm fellows used to make a list of top aggregate marks to see how the charts going in the class... n often it used to be difficult to even get my name in it...(it used to be really competitive back then in rkm)...
too bad i could never make mom understand that education is just not about getting marks n jobs n stuffs... its a communication of ideas... where u learn to grow in the world within n know about the world outside... but i guess lil dodo was way too little n way too afraid to say all that....

i still remember how the classes used to seem like cages n how i used to struggle to find my own piece of the sky... n no matter how much i tried... it always used to be the last bench or the stupid punishments that awaited me.... every time i used to stand up for an answer or a question... either i used to be laughed at or eyed at... as if some alien has come n speaking its own bla bla language... n as for the teachers.. i still remember how i used to be the biggest useless menace to be talked about in the staffrooms... n what that guy said when the group went out to bunk a class....
' go n hide behind that bush... we dont want that teacher to see you in the group... we ll say we are having a games class now... cmon.. get going.. ll u??'

my 50s n 60s were never good enough for mom... i used to get scolded like hell... primary n middle school went out in that darkest of the fears... i always used to leave my test copies either in the desks or slide them into a classmate's bag...[a cheap thing to do.. still]... every thing used to be better then getting scolded or may be beaten.... n that long walk from bus stop to home with those suicidal bombs hidden in my bag... it used to feel as if am walking on a curve and the rate i am going towards home is just asymptotic... the more i go towards.. the slower the walk used to get... slow enough at the end to even cross the gate.... n then all of a sudden i used to get the papers out n dump them right in the drain... did it many times[ especially with unit tests.. u dont need to give them back to teacher... so;-) ]

n sometimes all my crimes used to even hit the wanted list... ounce there was this bengali-test in the class... [standard-6 i guess]...  n i got a brilliant 3 outta 10... but my hitlerised osama like teacher never found that equally brilliant so he wrote a note at the end of my answers n told to get it sighned by my gardian... n i was terrified to take this love letter home... sighned it myself n left it at the bench... next day when he saw my dad's err... okay my so called dad's signature... he matched it with my leave applications from before.... n the guy just got infuriated n took me to the principal n then my parents were called.... i got into some serious trouble that day... got beaten.. scolded.. thrashed like you do it to some over grown cow to get it out of the roads.... n all that because of that hitler... i sure hope i dont see him again in life....

but i guess all those torture n all that darkness taught me to close my eyes n try to look at the world within rather than looking at the world outside... n i guess thats why i could develope in all the few ways that lil dodo could find... it was only because i found a passion in geometry when i was in at the end of eightth that my logic started improving... and i did well in olympiads n in science... but even then i guess i havent been able to circle out my childhood out of my past.... people say n write a lot of things about their childhood... but i guess that piece of the sky was never meant to be mine...

by the time i finished my coffee... n went to the kitchen to keep the glass...
'thanks mom,.. the shake was good... ll miss your cold coffees in iitd....'
mom smiled back n animated a flying kiss... [ too bad i only get it from my mom these days].... i laughed n was about to get back to my room....
'hey.. i wanted to tell you something.... i want you to know that we are proud of you... do well in iitd.... n dont again end up with a 3 outta 10 like u did in nitc..'[with that trademark smile in her face]'
hehe.. i understand mom... i wont..'

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