Saturday 26 January 2013

The drifting away hirozon

Its been quite sometime now since i last blogged but i guess blogging is only fun when you do it 'not so often'!
This one is dedicated to my hopeless attempts at a foreign internship with a theorist and some other stuffs around it.
Hope you guys don't get bored! Some of them told me that at times i physicsify my blogs a little too much... ll try not to ;-)

As a kid i always had a thing for the far away horizon. It always felt that being in this big big world i am enclosed in a small part of it and someday, some lucky day i will grow up ,cross that horizon and the world will open up to be explored...
Turns out i did grow up but the horizon still remains far off from my reach and every single time i get a little bit of chance of taking that leap, nature and her games of dice fails me again! 
As for example, this time at the end of 2nd year we have the opportunity of going for an intern. Generally IITians have a fair chance of getting it abroad but then its just that you have to send some 600 apps or something around that!
Well, i have sent around 100 and there have been some 30 replies. Some of them are not having any positions, some of then can't finance, some of them are going out for conferences... all in all it has been pretty much a dance of rejection and i have been sitting back and watching it for quite some time now. Although, i have got to say sometimes the replies really got me thinking... 
There was this one guy from Australia who was free and his finances were pretty good too but he told me that it would be better if i stay back and read 'Higher Quantam mech.' on my own coz it might cost him a lot of time in guiding me n all... 
Now, I could have made him consider my application with a little bit of touch of words here and there with my reply.. like I am really interested and that i am going to do it largely on my own and bla bla bla..
But I didn't. Coz the dude definitely had a point. At this level I guess I am not well equipped to do something original in theoretical physics coz it requires a pretty versatile maths background which i suppose i haven't yet come up with completely. So i thanked him and told him 'Thanks for the advice sir, I will definitely consider my options again. You have a good day ahead.' 
"Good day ahead"!!!-who the hell says that. Neva mind, I can be real weird at times!

Truth is that truth changes its own identity as we keep walking towards it. (I know i generalize a lot, at times it seems weird but cant help it, I am after all a physics student!:D)
Back in school when i used to hear about IITian relatives making it to Germany and Norway and Scotland and all... The tag of 'IITian' seemed to glow before my eyes in all new ways. I mean here are a bunch of college kids who managed to cross the sea!!!
But now of course times have changed... Now i know that "IIT JEE" is the biggest nationally wide joke that can ever be played on a passionate 'science'-student. Now i know that the tag hardly matters, what matters is who you are, what you can do and how you define yourself. One thing that the tag of IIT taught me is that you should never run after tags.

This time i guess i will let go of the tag of ' The guy who crossed the sea'
Coz it might be true that i want to explore the world but what comes first is that i learn to explore nature (Physics) and learn the language she speaks in (Maths!;-)
After all that's what physics is all about, every new chapter is a window through which we stare at  nature and learn a bit more of why she is the way she is.

But then again, I dont want to go back home. Two and a half months inside my 13 by 13 room is something that i dont want to go through again. And the only way out is an Internship. Tough position i am in right now. I dont want to stay back and i am not sure either if I should keep staring at the drifting away horizon.....

heres a nice pic... just to make up for the 'not so nice' end of this post!;-)