Saturday 13 July 2013

Me? well, err..

Hi.. i am Chitrodeep. Friends call me chitro.

I am a physics student at IIT Delhi doing my btech in engineering physics. Becoming a theoretical physicist someday is a dream but for now i am just enjoying the whole drive on the highway towards it. As every chapter and every day unfolds i get to see nature coming alive a li'l bit more and nothing gives a man more pleasure than getting to know why nature is the way she is.. So, yeah physics is a passion that defines me but then its not the only one.

Apart from physics I also like cartooning, traveling , drinking red wine, smoking Davidoff Classics, meeting new strangers, seeing new places (i strive for change and to be on the road in search for newer horizons; to somewhere away from any given boring social nest is what i am made for! 6-j )

I love listening to Nirvana, Iron and Wine, Fossils etc; Favorite pass time's got to be 
1. sketching nudes (always had a mysterious appreciation and attraction towards the feminine form!O_o) 
2. reading Calvin and Hobbes strips. (Bill Watterson sure has given the world an amazing window to escape into a world of a small lonely kid and his imaginary friend, 'a tiger'! and what he has done will echo through eternity.)

Other than that i am a pretty chilled out guy who likes taking life as it comes and leave it by as it passes away. For me living the dreams is so much more important than seeing them and waiting for them to come true.

At one point of my life i never thought writing could ever be my cup of tea but i guess life truly is a wonderful journey of self discoveries. So here i am, looking forward to read, write n share..;-)

Having said all that i would have to say that i am still on the process of self discovery and selfish excursions; I still dont know completely who Chitrodeep is and how i can expand his horizons more in newer dimensions. I still dont know how much more wind his good ol' wings need beneath them and how much more storm they would love to challenge. So yeah, the quest is ' O N ' babes..;-) 

I stare at it and i decide to stand by it, my good ol' painting
It still seems some shades are given while some still need making.... 

wow! writing about yourself was sorta...  part creepy and part fun! 3:D~

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