Wednesday 6 February 2013

My love for storms... ~_*

They say people change with time.. 
likes,dislikes,wishes and hopes;they all happen to be functions of time but i guess the idea is just a little too generalized.. I mean somewhere deep inside there is always a part that makes you realize every once in a while that you haven't yet lost yourself completely along the river of time, that deep inside you are still the same you that you used to be years ago..
And as for me.. well, the only thing that drives me right back to the years i left by is a storm outside my window..
Storms have always been beautiful since the time I can remember.... Storms for me are like a piece of pure chaos that is wild, free, natural and out there declaring her independence..

Delhi hasn't seen a better weather in a long time and it has been really windy for a couple of days.. a little bit of cold with a beautiful breeze blowing by with a finishing touch of a tinch bit of rain every once in a while... And then, last night all hell just broke loose and it finally, finally stormed. 
I opened my window and just kept staring at it. .................. . . . . 
The loud thunder, the bright lightning, the beautiful wild wind along with the pouring rain... it was finally like nature is letting go of her tied hair and danced around wild not caring about what the world has to say, not caring about what all consequences it would lead to, not caring about what future holds for her, not giving a single fuck to anything what so ever... At that moment she was free and all that she wanted to be was to be herself....

And there is nothing like to open your window on a stormy night and stare at nature's eyes... I dont know how or why it drives me. Its like a source of inspiration, a source of pure wonder, a source of open minded thoughts... its a source of remembering your own source; of who you really are, of recognizing the part within you that is time-invariant.. that whatever goes and whatever future holds for me, I can and I will be able to break out coz all that i guess a beautiful storm does is that it helps you to see the storm that you hold deep within you...

PS: Dedicated to the little chitro I used to know who used to run to the roof every time it stormed in the little town called 'Agartala'... 


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